Kove in the News

Moving Beyond the AI Buzzwords to Solving Complex Problems: Kove CEO John Overton to Speak at Sibos 2023 in Toronto

September 15, 2023 — Artificial intelligence is a top trending topic. But beyond the buzzwords, what does it truly promise for the financial industry and how can it actually help solve complex problems? John Overton, CEO of Kove®, will help answer these questions at Sibos 2023.

“This conference addresses the biggest questions affecting global finance,” says Overton, CEO of Kove. “I’m honored to have been invited to share my insights into the state of artificial intelligence for the financial industry and how software-defined memory can finally unlock AI’s full potential as a problem-solving tool.”

With Sibos 2023 centered on the theme of “collaborative finance in a fragmented world,” Overton will be appearing in three separate panel discussions: 1) “Beyond the Buzzwords: Understanding the Reality of AI’s Reach,” a conference session on Monday, September 18 from 9:30 am to 10:30 am EDT; 2) a fireside chat exploring the “Fusion of Enterprise Scale AI and Federated Learning” at Red Hat’s Sibos Booth A21 from 4:00 pm to 4:30 pm on Tuesday, September 19 EDT; as well as 3) a SibosTV segment exploring “Unleashing the Power of AI: Solving Complex Problems in Payment and Beyond” which will be released on SibosTV’s YouTube channel.

“AI is currently restricted in its utility for the financial industry due to the limitations of current hardware, which cannot efficiently manage the size of the models and data sets required,” says Overton. “I look forward to lively discussions on how institutions can actually enjoy the true capability of AI by getting more out of their existing infrastructure.”

“I look forward to lively discussions on how institutions can actually enjoy the true capability of AI by getting more out of their existing infrastructure.”

— John Overton, CEO, Kove

The “Beyond the Buzzwords” conference session will be moderated by Federico Berruti, Partner, McKinsey & Company, with panelists alongside Overton including Nadya Hijazi, Global Head of Wholesale Digital Channels, HSBC; Alex LaPlante, VP of Transformation and Chief Operating Officer, RBC; Jacqueline O’Flanagan, Financial Services Industry Lead, Microsoft Canada; and Daniel Szmukler, Director & Head of Innovation, Member Relations and Strategic Engagements, Euro Banking Association (EBA).

To explore how Kove and other partners are helping Swift scale its AI efforts with a new AI platform architecture to benefit its global community of over 11,500 financial institutions, there will be a “fireside chat” at Red Hat’s Sibos booth featuring Tom Zschach, Chief Innovation Officer at Swift, as the moderator speaking with panelists Vivek Agarwal, Head of Financial Services Solutions at C3 AI; Kelly Switt, Global Head of Intelligent Edge Business Development at Red Hat; and Johan Bryssinck, AI Programme and Shared Services at SWIFT, along with Overton.

“Swift’s new AI Platform delivers rapid yet cost-effective innovation in anomaly detection to safeguard cross-border transactions while enabling their members to launch new AI-native services that create additional revenue opportunities,” says Overton. “This chat will be a great chance to learn all about the technological challenges Swift faced in developing their cutting-edge platform and how Kove:SDM™ helped them overcome any memory limitations.”

“This chat will be a great chance to learn all about the technological challenges Swift faced in developing their cutting-edge platform and how Kove:SDM™ helped them overcome any memory limitations.”

— John Overton, CEO, Kove

Finally, Overton will participate with Tom Zschach, Chief Innovation Officer at Swift; Dr. Richard Harmon, VP, Global Head of Financial Services, Red Hat; and Vivek Agarwal, Head of Financial Services Solutions at C3.ai in a studio interview session for Sibos TV exploring how the payments industry is using advances in AI made possible by Kove:SDM™ to address its most complex and urgent challenges, including transforming risk management, combating financial crime, and enhancing security measures to foster a safer and more efficient ecosystem for businesses and individuals alike.

The resulting show will have the title of “Unleashing the Power of AI: Solving Complex Problems in Payment and Beyond” on SibosTV’s YouTube channel.

About Sibos
Sibos is the leading conference and exhibition for financial services. Organized by Swift, a global member owned cooperative that’s the world’s leading provider of secure financial messaging services, the annual event connects thousands of executives, decision makers, and thought leaders from across the industry. Sibos started as a banking operations seminar in 1978. Today, as the premier conference for the world’s financial community, the global forum enables attendees to debate and collaborate in the areas of cash management, payments, securities, and trade. Find out more at sibos.com.

About Kove
Founded in 2003, Kove has a long history of solving technology’s most vexing problems, from pioneering high-speed back-ups for large databases to setting sustained storage speed records. Most recently, after years of development, testing and validation, Kove launched the world’s first patented and fully mature software-defined memory solution – Kove:SDM™. Kove:SDM™ enables enterprises and their leaders to achieve more by maximizing the performance of their people and infrastructure, so every enterprise can reach their full potential. To learn more, visit kove.com.