Kove:SDM™ White Paper
Memory is the key to unlocking the full potential of your hardware and your people. In this white paper, Maximizing Performance Beyond Hardware Limitations, readers will:
- Gain a snapshot of the competitive memory landscape.
- Discover the issues with symmetric multiprocessing and software.
- Review in-memory databases, caches, and other technologies.
- Understand the promise and challenges of employing CXL.
- Learn how Kove:SDM™ works – and why you should consider it.
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Maximizing performance beyond hardware limitations.
- Understand why memory is so important to – and currently a top limiter on – performance.
- Review the key benefits and drawbacks of the alternate memory technologies available today.
- Understand the transformative capabilities of software-defined memory, particularly Kove:SDM™.
System Integration
Off-the-shelf hardware. Off-the-charts results.
Kove:SDM™ is integrated with all things Red Hat: virtualization, containers, bare metal, storage – anything you need.
Ready: System Requirements
Kove:SDM™ works on your existing hardware.
Set: Installation
Get going in four easy steps that you can implement in minutes. No code changes required.
Go: Your Transformation
Kove:SDM™ enables you to do what you couldn’t do before in data centers, on the edge and more
SWIFT, the world’s leading provider of secure financial messaging services, connects more than 11,000 banking and securities organizations and corporate customers in over 200 countries and territories. They process more than 42 million transactions worth over $5 trillion a day. Their mission: To ensure that each transaction is frictionless, secure, and instant.
Key Challenge
To create a platform that enables the next generation of transaction services, preserving the security and privacy of an on-premise solution with the capabilities of a state-of-the art, enterprise-wide, hybrid/cloud-based AI platform.
SWIFT Development Partners
Three advanced technology partners: Kove for high-performance, provisionable, scalable software-defined memory. Red Hat for enterprise containers and hybrid cloud infrastructure capabilities. C3 AI for AI expertise.
Kove’s Role
To unlock the full potential of AI/ML and enable SWIFT to do what it could not have done before by providing the limitless memory size and breakthrough performance they need when and where they need it.
A high-performing, agile, and scalable AI platform that can instantaneously analyze transactions using enormous datasets, all in memory and without any hardware limitations – a cost-effective solution that could only be achieved with Kove:SDM™.
The SWIFT Federated AI Platform will transform the way machine learning is done, enabling SWIFT community members to boost operational efficiencies; launch new AI-native services for additional revenue opportunities; and heighten security and regulatory compliance, all while lowering transaction costs. With its maiden use case in anomaly detection and future applications that enhance IT operations and the customer experience, the new SWIFT Federated AI Platform offers their member community performance that no one else can match.
“A unique product from Kove that provides software-defined memory [means] that we're going to be able to train the models, and monitor the network, really, without any computer or hardware limitations.”
Tom Zschach Chief Innovation Officer, SWIFT
Kove:SDM™ is the world’s first fully mature, tested, and validated software-defined memory solution.
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